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Pastel Thinking of You Bouquet


Created by a local florist
Handcrafted bespoke just for you
Made fresh on the day it arrives
Personally delivered by hand
Order by 3pm for the florist to deliver today
Pastel Thinking of You Bouquet
Image 2 of 4 of Pastel Thinking of You Bouquet
Image 3 of 4 of Pastel Thinking of You Bouquet
Image 4 of 4 of Pastel Thinking of You Bouquet
1. What size would you like?
Is there anything else you would like the florist to know about your gift?

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2. Who is this gift for?
3. When would you like your gift?
4. How would you like to personalise your gift?

Gift description

Show them your love and support with a beautiful handcrafted bouquet, made just for them by their local florist. Created with care and delivered in beautiful eco-friendly packaging, these are flowers to lift their spirits.

About this gift:

  • An expertly hand-crafted bouquet delivered perfectly pre-arranged
  • Let our florist surprise you in pastels
  • Flowers delivered in bud for 7 days of freshness guaranteed
  • Beautifully presented in kind-to-the-planet packaging
  • Delivered with real care, so they’re wowed at the doorstep

Good to know...
This gift may contain lilies. Not your cup of tea? Check out our bouquets without lilies.

If you need further assistance with this gift, please quote item number CCTOYP0100

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