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Happy Birthday Messages & Quotes

Got someone special’s big day on the horizon? If you want to say more than just happy birthday, our bumper guide birthday wishes and messages might come in handy.

Their big day has arrived and you’ve got the best gift lined up (a beautiful bespoke bouquet, right?). But now you have to write in the card and a simple HBD just isn’t going to cut it. Never fear, we’ve got you. We’ve gathered the best of the birthday wishes - from funny messages to heartfelt quotes. Whether you’re wishing your bestie the best 30th ever or you want to say something meaningful to your mum - prepare to be inspired.

Birthday Messages for Big Milestones

You need an equally BIG message for those BIG birthdays. Our favourite milestone birthday messages have all you need to wish them an inspirational birthday whether 18 or 80. From fun to funny, personal to poignant - we’ve got you covered.

18th Birthday

Congratulations on turning 18! You're officially an adult - time to conquer the world.

Cheers to 18 years! May your future be filled with endless possibilities.

Woo-hoo, you’re finally 18! Grab your ID, we’re going out-out.

Happy 18th birthday! You're officially old enough to know better, but young enough to still make bad decisions. But hey, at least we’ll have the best stories to tell our grandkids one day.

21st Birthday

Happy birthday! You’re young, wild and free. It’s been a privilege watching you grow up and I know you’re going to do amazing things with your wonderful life.

Happy birthday, bestie. We made it to 21! Life is about to get better than we could have ever imagined.

I’m so grateful we’ve already shared such amazing adventures. Here’s to the next 21 years of friendship!

30th Birthday

Look at you, you’re thirty, flirty and thriving!

Did someone say “talk thirty to me?” Happy birthday my gorgeous friend. It’s time to shake off the last three decades while we dance under the disco ball celebrating YOU!

Who would have thought we’d get to 30?! Thank you for your decades of friendship. I am who I am because of you.

The best part of turning 30? A wild night now involves watering the plants and opening the fancy wine on the sofa.

We can’t believe how quickly this day has come. It feels like just yesterday we were reading you bedtime stories. Happy 30th to our darling [daughter/son]. We are so proud of everything you’ve achieved.

40th Birthday

Happy 20th anniversary of your 20th birthday. You don’t look a day over fabulous.

As they say, this is forty! Lucky for me you just keep getting better with every year.

Happy 40th my dearest friend. We’ve experienced so much over the decades. I couldn’t wish for a better person to reminisce about the good old days with.

Sip, sip, hooray! It’s time to pop the fancy champagne for your 40th.

50th Birthday

It may sound cheesy to say - but you really have aged like a fine wine. And I can’t wait to celebrate with a bottle and a big cheese board soon. Happy birthday!

Happy 50th birthday. We love you to the moon and back x infinity. Life wouldn’t be nearly as wonderful without you.

For the last 5 decades, the world has been a brighter place because of you. Happy 50th birthday! Keep shining.

60th Birthday

They say 60 is the new 30! And you don’t look a day over amazing. Happy birthday, beautiful.

The kids are all grown up, we have the house to ourselves, the world is our oyster! Happy 60th birthday. It feels like life is just beginning again!

Happy 60th birthday! What an incredible milestone. In the last 6 decades, you’ve achieved so much. You’ve made us all so proud. We love you.

100th Birthday

A full century of you! Thank you for all that you are and all that you’ve done. We wouldn’t be us without you.

Happy 100th birthday. What a magnificent achievement. I’ve never seen so many birthday candles!

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Funny Birthday Messages

Amuse them with a joke and share a laugh or two with some of these fun-filled favourites. Our funny birthday wishes are sure to put a smile on their face.

  • Don’t worry about the future, I’m sure you’ll have a bright one. Don’t worry about the past, you can’t change it. Don’t worry about the present, I don’t have one for you!
  • Warning! I think your postman is stealing all the money I put in your cards…
  • On your birthday I’m going to share the secret to staying young: lie about your age.

Cute Birthday Messages

Share your adorable side with a cute birthday wish to let them know you are thinking of them. From pet names to cute animal memes, a cute birthday message is always a winner.

  • Like a fine wine, or a smelly cheese, you’re only getting better with age. Here’s to many more birthdays together.
  • Things that are the best: birthdays, balloons, cake, you.
  • If I had the choice we’d celebrate your birthday at least three times a year! Love you, you’re the best.
  • Happy birthday to the best person I know.
  • I’m so happy you were born!
  • Loads of love my birthday beauty.

Romantic Birthday Messages

Make them feel special a romantic message straight from the heart. Share your intimate side with a carefully crafted message that is sure to sweep them off their feet.

  • Roses are red, violets are blue, happy birthday babe, I love you!
  • Time for birthday wishes and birthday kisses. Lots of love!
  • Getting older doesn’t matter, I love you more every year. Now let’s party!

Birthday Quotes

Can't find the words? A quote is all you need. Here's our collection of best birthday quotes that have stood the test of time.

‘If life gives you lemons you should make lemonade... and try to find someone whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.’ - Ron White

‘Nature gives you the face you have at twenty, it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.’ - Coco Chanel

‘In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.’ - Abraham Lincoln

‘As you get older, three things happen: the first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two.’ - Norman Wisdom

‘The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.’ - Jean-Paul Sartre

'When carrying a jar of honey to give to a friend for his birthday, don't stop and eat it along the way.' – A.A.Milne

‘Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!’ - Dr. Seuss

Birthday Messages for Family

No one knows you like your family. Whether brother, father, mother or sister, our favourite family-inspired birthday messages have all you need to show your appreciation.

For Mum

  • Without you in my life, I don’t know where I would be today. You taught me all the important lessons: working hard, respecting others, never quitting, and having fun no matter what. I am who I am because of you. On your birthday, I want to thank you for all you have done. Happy birthday, Mum!
  • Happy birthday, Mom! I’m so thankful to have you as my mother. There are many children who don’t get along with their parents. I’m incredibly glad I’m not one of them. I truly value my relationship with you and look forward to becoming closer as the years pass.
  • Congratulations and good wishes to the woman who has everything — including me!
  • Mum, have the mother of all brilliant birthdays! We love you!

For Dad

  • Sending you best wishes for success, health, and good fortune today and in the year to come. Enjoy your special day Dad. Happy Birthday!
  • Thank you for always being there for me and never giving up on me, Dad. I will always love and appreciate you. You are the greatest Dad in the world. Happy birthday.
  • Happy birthday Dad. You make every day a great day. I’m so proud of the thoughtful and wonderful man you are.
  • To a top dad, have a top day. Many happy returns old man.

For a Brother

  • You might be older than me but I'm still taller than you! Have a great birthday bro!
  • Do you know that in addition to being my brother, you are my best friend? Thanks for always being there for me and having my back. Have a very wonderful birthday brother!
  • Despite our many misunderstandings and fights, you know that deep inside we love each other more than anything in this world. Happy birthday to you, my dearest brother.
  • Happy birthday to their second favourite. Lots of love from big sis!

For a Sister

  • I got the brains and looks, and you got the...got the...erm...this is awkward...the nicest shoes...yeah that’s it...lovely shoes.
  • You’re the most amazing, beautiful and strongest person I’ve ever met. I’m really proud that you’re my sister. Happy birthday!
  • You might be older than me but I'm still taller than you! Have a great birthday sis.

Birthday messages for friends

Whether new friend, old friend or best friend, our birthday wishes have all you need to wish them a fun-filled happy birthday.

  • You know all about me, I know all about you. We’re best friends, blah, blah, blah. Since we can read each other’s minds I don’t need a creative message, so happy birthday!

  • Birthdays come around every year, but friends like you can only be found once in a lifetime. Wishing you a fabulous birthday!

  • Hope your birthday is as wonderful and extraordinary as you are bestie, tons of love

  • Don’t ever change! Stay as amazing as you are, my friend.

  • Happy birthday to one of my best friends. Here’s to another year of laughing at our own jokes and keeping each other sane! Love you and happy birthday!

Birthday Messages for Colleagues

Whether they are your desk buddy, manager or associate, here's some of our top tips for birthday wishes to make a colleague feel special.

  • Who'd have thought I'd have found my best friend in this place?! Sending you all the love on your birthday, can't wait to celebrate!
  • I thank the stars every day that I wasn't sat two chairs down – otherwise who knows if we'd have been friends! Lots of love on your birthday!
  • Happy birthday! Even though you make a rubbish cup of tea I couldn't ask for a better work buddy.
  • To my favourite work proximity associate, happy birthday!
  • How dare you have a birthday, there’s paperwork to do!
  • Happy birthday desk pal, time for wine?

Celebrating a birthday from afar

Send them a meaningful birthday message from across the sea. Whether friend, family member or loved one, bridge the gap with our selection of inspirational international birthday wishes.

  • Wish I could be there to give you birthday bumps, don’t worry I’ll save them up. Tons of love!
  • So sorry I’m not celebrating with you today, I’ll make it up to you next time with wine – lots of wine. Happy birthday best one.
  • Happy birthday! You might not be near but you’re very dear and can’t wait to celebrate with you soon.
  • Toasting to you from over here, happy birthday!

Top Tips on How to Write Your Own Birthday Message

Want to wordsmith your own moving or funny birthday message? These tips should help:

  • Remember who it’s for – keep in mind your relationship with the birthday boy or gal, this is your chance to show off how well you know them. We like a combo of sentiment and humour, after all it’s time to celebrate.
  • Just start writing – if you find yourself bewildered by the blank page, you won’t be the first. Grab a notebook and just start writing what comes into your head, you can perfect it and edit it afterwards.
  • Don’t overthink it – you’re not writing a novel or hoping for a Pulitzer, your words don’t need to be genius, they just need to be from the heart. We reckon your special someone will be delighted with most things you write!
  • There’s power in simplicity – step away from the thesaurus! Just try expressing how you feel in plain English. Sometimes less is more.