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- Delivering flowers in over 140 countries
- Delivering flowers in over 140 countries
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- About Interflora
Flower Delivery Guildford - Handcrafted by a Guildford Florist
"We look forward to taking care of your request for flowers to be delivered in Guildford. Placing your order with Interflora is easy. You can browse our extensive selection of exquisite bouquets and arrangements and search according to a host of variables including flower type, price, colour, occasion, and delivery option. Once you've decided, we'll do the rest.
You're probably already aware that you can order Interflora flowers to be delivered worldwide, but did you know that back in the 1950s, we introduced our own currency, the Fleurin, to simplify currency calculations when trading in flowers abroad? Guildford also has historic associations with money: in the 10th and 11th centuries, Guildford was actually home to the Royal Mint, the official body for producing, or 'minting', new coins.